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Two strong partner institutes

The Biblical Archaeological Institute Wuppertal  The German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in the Holy Land

is an associated institute of the Bergisch University Wuppertal and institute of the Barmen School of Theology. It has also close connections with Witten-Herdecke Private University. The Biblical Archaeological Institute founded in 1999 has been housed in the FD building of the Bergisch University's Freudenberg Campus since June 2002 .

was founded in 1900. With its two branches in Amman and Jerusalem, it has existed since 1968 as a foundation of the The German Protestant Church (EKD) in Hannover, which is in charge of its administration. It is supported to a large extent by the German Federal Foreign Office.

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The Biblical Archaeological Institute has been closely associated with the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem and Amman. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Vieweger is simultaneously director of all three institutes. The GPIA is also a research unit of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

Dr. Jutta Häser

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Vieweger

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