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Final Publication Volume 9

Tall Zira’a meets San Francisco
The ASOR annual meeting in San Francisco on November 16-19, 2011 gathered hundreds of Ancient Near Eastern scholars and archaeologists.            more >>

Congress for young researchers in Turin (Italy)
Two young scientists of the BAI spoke about issues concerning their PhD thesis on the 4th Broadening Horizons conference.  more >>

DEI Course Programme 2011 attended the Tall Zira'a
Four journalists from Germany, took a day trip from Israel to the Tall Zira'a and learned about the historical and cultural development of the region.     more >>

The documentation of the excavations of 2018 and 2019 has been published: The Iron Age, Hellenistic and Early Roman Period in Area II.    more >>

About the Project


In northern Jordan close to the border with Israel the Gadara Region Project researches the lower part of Wadi al'Arab.  An ancient trade road leads from Egypt through Palestine and Syria to Mesopotamia. The main settlement site in the Wadi al'Arab was Tall Zira'a. An artesian spring on the hill's surface always offered favourable living conditions.

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  • Painted vase - late bronze age vase wearing an orpheus motive
  • Scarab - 1.3 cm scarab shows the throne name of Apophis, an Hyksos rouler
  • Cylinder seals - we found 39 cylinder seals made of various materials
  • Figurines - some gods and godesses from Bronze and Iron Age 
  • Silver pendant - Late Bronze Age pendant showing a nude godess
  • Gods' house - small ceramic house probably used for private cult
  • Kernos - an annular ceremonial vessel from Iron Age I
  • more >> 
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