Participants - Autumn Campaign 2003

Campaign: from August 28 to September 26, 2003

BAI Wuppertal: Dr. Wolfgang Auge, Adelheid Baker, Dr. Wolfgang Bruns, Sina Dörfling, Andrea Gropp, Jens Eichner, Markus Heyneck, Patrick Leiverkus (surveying), Christiane Schubert, Lina Unterbörsch, Prof. Dieter Vieweger (leader)

DAI Berlin: Dr. Jutta Häser

Geophysics: Dietmar Biedermann (Schwabmünchen), Dr. Armin Rauen (Wallerfing)

Surveying technology, photogrammetry: Jens Kleb (Erfurt)

and 7 - 8 jordan workers

Project Partners

Biblical Archaeological Institute Wuppertal   (BAI
German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (GPIA)

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His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal  took up the patronage of this project as a representative of the royal house.

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Friends and Donors

  • Freundeskreis des BAI Wuppertal
  • Dr. Jackstädt-Stiftung, Wuppertal
  • Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum

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We cooperate closely with many universities, institutes and companies.

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