Children's book about the project

"Geheimnis des Tells" tells the exciting story of two children from Cologne, Katia und Aaron, who travel to the Orient to visit their grandparents. Their grandfather - a retired archaeologist - takes them with him to the tell to discover its secrets...

The book is currently in German language only, but due to the enormous response from readers and reviewers, an English-language version is under consideration.

Information and order forms can be found at

Project Partners

Biblical Archaeological Institute Wuppertal   (BAI
German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (GPIA)

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His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal  took up the patronage of this project as a representative of the royal house.

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Friends and Donors

  • Freundeskreis des BAI Wuppertal
  • Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal
  • Kulturhilfe des Auswärtigen Amtes der BR Deutschland

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We cooperate closely with many universities, institutes and companies.

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