Participants - Summer Campaign 2009

Campaign with survey: from July 28 to August 15, 2009

BAI Wuppertal, DEI Ammam und Jerusalem
Kim Adam, Dr. Wolfgang Auge, Ernst Brückelmann, Antje Cassel, Andrea Gropp, Dr. Jutta Häser, Frauke Kenkel, Anke Laderick, Patrick Leiverkus, Alina Quentmeier, Benjamin Schröder, Anne Schürmann, Andrea Schwermer, Katja Soennecken, Prof. Dieter Vieweger.

University Wuppertal, Fachbereich Drucktechnik
Gilles Bülow, Johannes Große-Frericks 

GPIA Course Programme participants (one-day survey)
Pfr. Dietrich Fricke, Rietberg
Eva Maria Fricke, Rietberg
Pfr. Peter Voß, Bensheim

3 - 5 Jordan Workers

Project Partners

Biblical Archaeological Institute Wuppertal   (BAI
German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (GPIA)

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His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal  took up the patronage of this project as a representative of the royal house.

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Friends and Donors

  • Freundeskreis des BAI Wuppertal
  • Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal
  • Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum

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We cooperate closely with many universities, institutes and companies.

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