Network "Fokus Fortifikation"

Prof. Ziad as-Sa'ad and Prof. Vieweger on Tall Ziraa

  Information Panel

  Paris, Notre-Dame

  Tall Zira'a 2008


Network "Fokus Fortifikation" on Tall Zira'a

The participants of the network "Fokus Fortifikation" visited the Tall  Zira'a during their trip to Jordan. Dr. Jutta Häser explained them the  change of the fortifications on the site from the 4th millennium B.C.  to the Islamic period.

The network is a group of young scientists working on the exploration of fortifications in Greece, Turkey and the Levante from Bronce Age until Late antiquity.


(15th October 2010)


General Director of Department of Antiquities visits Tall Zira'a

Shortly after his appointment as General Director of the Department of Antiquities, Prof. Dr. Ziad as-Sa'ad visited Tall Zira'a. There, he was informed by the excavators Prof. Dr. Dieter Vieweger and Dr. Jutta Häser on the scientific value of the site and the state of work.

Prof. Ziad was very interested in the archaeological excavations on the site as well as the archaemetrical investigations at the Biblical Archaeological Institute in Wuppertal. He assure the directors of the project that the Department of Antiquities will help in all respect also in the future.

(October 2010)

The children's book about the Tell - soon in arabic.

HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of the Royal Scientific Society, announced on September 15th 2010 that the children's book about the Tall Zira'a "The secret of the Tell" will be printed in arabic language and can be purchased at the new National Museum in Amman. 

The Royal Family of the Hashemite Kingdom provided financial support for the translation and print of the book in an effort to help younger generations appreciate the magnificent jordanian cultural heritage.

(September 2010)

Information Panel

On 1st of August 2010 the first Information Panel on the Tall Zira�a was put up. On three sides it informs visitors in Arabic, English and German language about the excavation on the Tall and asks all visitors for a respectful handling of this archaeological site, a unique sources of the history of the eastern Jordan area.

The column was financed by the cultural program of the German Foreign Office. A large number of American, British, German and Jordanian archaeologists as well as the culture Attaché Carsten Fischer and other representatives of the German Embassy (Amman) participated the inauguration.

A tour over the Tall and a small celebration in the excavation house Umm Qais gave cause for lively exchange of information among the total of about 50 colleagues.


(August 2010)

 Tall Zira'a meets Paris

The 11th International Conference on the History & Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ) was held June 7 - 10, 2010 in Paris, France.  Dr Jutta Häser and Prof Dieter Vieweger informed the delegates about the latest finds from Tall Zira'a.

Jutta Häser: Rural life in North-West Jordan during the Roman and Byzantine periods.
Unique Roman-Byzantine architecture in the three excavation areas of Tall Zira'a as an example of the relationship between city and hinterland - a frequently neglected topic in the study of classical periods.

Dieter Vieweger: The Transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in Northern Palestine; Archaeological and archaeometrical investigations on Tall Zira'a.
Discussion on the base of the dense stratigraphical evidence and the analysis of finds and contexts on the Tall Zira'a.

Abstracts and Program: www.

(June 2010)

 Wellcome at Tall Zira'a Homepage!

This homepage would like to help you understand more about our work at Tall Zira'a. The ancient site comprising 5.6 hectar is situated in the outermost Northwest of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan within the border triangle to Israel and Syria.

Our Gadara Region Project includes the excavations at Tall Zira'a and an extensive survey in Wadi al-'Arab. Coming from the Jordan Highlands the wadi meets the river Jordan south of lake Tiberias.

The Tall is witness to more then 5000 years' history. Layer by layer it elucidates astonishing details about human life and folklore through five thousand years of history.

(May 2010)

Project Partners

Biblical Archaeological Institute Wuppertal   (BAI
German Protestant Institute of Archaeology (GPIA)

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His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal  took up the patronage of this project as a representative of the royal house.

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Friends and Donors

  • Gerda Henkel-Stiftung, Wuppertal
  • Universität Wuppertal
  • Deutsches Bergbaumuseum Bochum

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We cooperate closely with many universities, institutes and companies.

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